Unpad Choir Enliven Concert Angklung “Sarasa Katha Mahaniya”

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Only two days after the 12th Internal Concert of Unpad Choir Bara Renjana, they performed again three days later. This time they collaborated with Keluarga Paduan Angklung SHS 3 Bandung (KPA3). Unpad Choir had the opportunity to be a guest star in the Angklung XIV “Sarasakatha Mahaniya” Konser KPA3. The event, which was held at the Dago Tea House Closed Theater (29/4), managed to amaze more than 500 spectators, including the Vice Governor of West Java, Deddy Mizwar.

After opening with national anthem Indonesia Raya, the first session started and Unpad Choir performed the song Lancang Kuning with vocal solo Adam Prana Surya. Followed by quartets Fiemaelia Puteri Santoso, Karisman Ferdinandus, Agung Darmawangsa, and Rifky Kurnia who sang Paduan Nada Samudra. 

In this concert there is also a harp passage on the song Chopin Larung played by Maisa Nur Kamila featuring Retno Nilam Safitri as a vocal solo. Maisa itself is alumnus of Unpad Choir. This session was closed with the songs of Hari Merdeka, Pantang Mundur, and Kebyar-Kebyar along with all the singers of Unpad Choir.

Vice Governor of West Java Deddy Mizwar, who had to leave the show after the one session ended, gave the standing ovation of the evening’s performance. “Let’s give the highest appreciation to them (the performers),” he exclaimed before saying goodbye and leaving the location. 

The second session is no less spectacular than the previous session. The excitement of this session opens with a Send My Love (To Your New Lover) and Stitches Medley. The angklung composition combined with the clapping of hands and the pounding of the dancers’ feet resulted in a harmony of its own. This pop session is so unique because it features traditional choreography and dance, one of which is James Bond Medley with Balinese dance and fan dance.

The song Melati Suci with soloist Retno Nilam Safitri, which also presents a regional fashion show, is a sign that the concert has reached the closing session. The Indonesian Pusaka song which was performed with Unpad Choir became the final song of the night as well as ending the series of concerts held by KPA3. 

“Proud to see KPA3 and Unpad Choir look so good and touched also remember their training started six months ago. Unpad Choir is also cool. Anyway tonight is cool! Hopefully later angklung getting noticed as well, increasingly worldwide. Because if not us who preserve, who else? “Said Vita, one of the concert audience.

(Y. I. Wicastya)