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Taking place in the B Building’s Hall of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjajaran, ambitus or voice grouping, for the new members of Unpad Choir has been held. This event is a part of the Series of Welcoming New Members of Unpad Choir 2017 (RPAB 2017), and it was held on Sunday, (10/09).

The registration table was opened at about 10 in the morning, and then the new members would have to follow a number of steps for the ambitus process; starting with the Voice Grouping Post (ambitus) with Unpad Choir’s technical team, followed with the Solfeggio Post, which aims to measure how much does the new members know about music. After that, there was the Expression Post where they will be attended by the seniors of Unpad Choir, and it was ended with the Medical Post, which functions to complete the new member’s health information, before they can get back to the registration table to take the rest of the things they will need and to take ‘My First Song Book’, a guidebook for all the new members of Unpad Choir. 

The enthusiasm of these new students who were attending this first agenda of RPAB 2017 was extremely high, and it surpassed the estimation of the committee. There were more than 300 prospective new members of Unpad Choir who were present in this event. All of them come from different faculties and majors, and they were very enthusiastic, especially in the Expression Post where they get to show their vocal ability by singing any pop song they choose; and surely, all of them had such great vocal quality. Although some of them are still not confident of their own ability, they all really want to learn and to develop their vocal technique. 

“Truthfully, yesterday’s ambitus was very thrilling for me. Well, for a person like me who is just a bathroom singer, singing like this in front of many eyes surely is a new experience for me. I kind of lost my confidence at time; my voice was gone and I only sang in a very low tone when I heard other people hitting all the notes rather easily. But here, we are taught to be calm, because when we become nervous, we’ll lost our concentration and that will surely disturb us,” said Ikhsan, a student of French Literature major who also becomes one of the prospective new members of Unpad Choir 2017.

This ambitus is the first batch and it will be followed with a number of make-up ambitus for other prospective members who couldn’t come during the first one, and it is also available for those who had just signed up to join Unpad Choir. Hopefully, the great-spirit seen in this year’s RPAB can be kept until the main event which is Welcoming Party 2017, which will be held in the upcoming month of December. 

(Aysa Novira)