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[] At the end of August 2019, Universitas Padjadjaran Choir (UNPAD Choir) has initiated a new member acceptance series (RPAB) 2019 with a very lively and interesting. RPAB 2019 activities were initiated with the activity of “Student Day” when the admission of new students Universitas Padjadjaran (PRABU) 2019. The Student Day event is packed in a very slick form that can captivate the enthusiasm of new students to join a part of Universitas Padjadjaran Choir students.
The next series after Student Day is Ambitus, where all new members of UNPAD choir will be divided according to their respective voices: Soprano, alto, tenor and bass. The division of the sound group will largely become the capital as well as the initial step of new candidates to plunge into the choir world.
Furthermore, at the beginning of October 2019, prospective new members of UNPAD Choir carried out regular exercises, they began to learn how the basic techniques of choir, ranging from the attitude of sitting, breath taking and other singing techniques. The basic implementation of the choir technique is then applied to the songs that are in my first song Book (The Guide book for potential new members of UNPAD choir) such as Hymne Unpad, Almamater, you state and others.
Regular training series have another program that is a workshop aimed to provide understanding and knowledge to enrich the insight of prospective new members of UNPAD choir. In the Workshops presented various kinds of understanding of music, numbers/beams, organizational and schedules in UNPAD choir, and the latter introduced costumes used on each PSM agenda.
The whole series of regular training activities are essentially meant to prospective new members so that they are prepared and directed to follow the peak of the RPAB 2019, which is welcoming party before it is actually appointed as an official member of UNPAD Choir.