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Aos ogé dina Basa Sunda
The pandemic period that has not ended makes us keep limiting the existence of offline activities. This is certainly not a major obstacle for the Sahitya Cabinet in carrying out its activities. On Saturday (22/05), the bonding of Sahitya Cabinet management was conducted online through the Zoom meeting platform. This activity aims to establish closeness between cabinet members who will work together as a team for one year of management. In addition, this activity becomes a means to convey important values that can be implemented in management.
Bonding management activities this time were implemented quite differently from previous years. Although conducted online, the enthusiasm of the participants turned out to be so amazing. Various attributes have been prepared by each division to enliven the bonding activities of this year’s management. In addition, each division also creates a virtual background that is adapted to the theme taken. The activities facilitated by the Organizational Development Division are certainly highly anticipated and become a show for each division in working and getting to know each other through exciting ways.
Bonding activities began with the introduction of the meaning of Sahitya by Muhammad Al Riyadh and Ridhadiyanti Wedia as chairman and vice-chairman of the Sahitya Cabinet and continued with a speech from the Steering Committee 2021. The excitement of the event began with playing quiz games about the activities of the Unpad Choir. Each member of the division is required to write “I want to answer” in the comments field before being allowed to answer. The enthusiasm of bonding participants in answering these questions is very high, making the host overwhelmed in determining the fastest answerer. After playing the quiz, the next activity is to show an introductory video by each division. Each division features a short video about the division’s explanation, the introduction of each division member, and the work programs that the division has or is currently implementing. The various video concepts presented by each division are very entertaining, some even feature an ensemble at the end of the video.
Entering noon, bonding activities are rested for 30 minutes for the midday prayer and lunch. After the break is over, it is continued with a guessing game. The images used are snippets from photographs of members of Sahitya’s Cabinet. This game, of course, aims to make bonding participants get to know each individual in the management.
Almost entering the final series of events, the Rangkai Cerita Tentang (Rantang) game became a place to show the creativity of each division in making story compositions. This no less exciting game is played by each division which will be collected in a breakout room and given one word as an object to be assembled into an interesting story. After the story is prepared, each division appoints one member as a representative to read the story. After that, the bonding participants gave their rating for the best story by filling out the assessment form.
The bonding activity for the management of the Sahitya Cabinet was finally closed with a reading of the divisions that won in games and various other categories. The existence of this activity is expected to foster a sense of belonging between individuals and encourage each member to be more motivated in carrying out one year of management of the Sahitya Cabinet.