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Unpad Choir held a social event on Saturday (6/5) with the theme “From Us To Earth” held at Taman Ilmu, Sukawening Village, Jatinangor. Followed by 40 members of Unpad Choir, this activity is the first social charity performed outside the concert committee and strived by the Division of Project Development Unpad Choir.
The activity started with a speech from the Chairman of Unpd Choir Vanda Sekar Yanti and Arnita Mustika as the Chief of this event. Activities continue to the next session, which is coloring contest for children under elementary school and decorate the trash for primary school children. The garbage can be installed in the village road and educate the community to be enthusiastic in keeping the environment clean.
Several songs sung by Unpad Choir ended the afternoon activities. Some regional songs such as Medley Bungong Jeumpa, Ayo Mama Buka Pintu, and Halo-Halo Bandung are performed so that children will be more familiar with national songs and national songs. 103 participants of children from elementary level look enthusiastic about the activity. They follow the activity until it ends. Some of them even sang Halo-Halo Bandung.
In addition to a new work program in the management of Unpad Choir, this event also became the beginning of the 24th anniversary of Unpad Choir. Ahmad Aldi Purnama as the manager of Project Development explained, Social Activity activities are held as a form of gratitude from 39 years of existence of Unpad Choir, and as self-study to be more sensitive to the conditions in the surrounding environment.
“Through this activity, we personally learn to be more sensitive to the environment in which we study. Organically, this event is held as a celebration of the anniversary of Unpad Choir. We want to share the happiness through this activity, ” she explained.
Mrs. Anni, the Science Park adviser said, Choir performance in the event can be a motivation for children to keep developing and balancing academic and non academic activities. “Children are expected to be able to fill their activities outside school with more useful activities. They are not just playing at a friend’s house, but there are things they can produce,” she said.
He also added, the selection of the theme “From Us To Earth” is suitable to educate children to be more enthusiastic in maintaining the environment early on. Currently the level of public awareness of the environment tends to be low.
“Hopefully the children will become change agents in terms of environmental awareness. Since childhood, they should be educated to be more affectionate on Earth. All that can be started from small things, such as dumping garbage in the place that has been provided. Later, if not those who remind, who else, “she added.
Taman Ilmu is a free educational facility for underprivileged children around Jatinangor which was established in 2008. Located in Sukawening Village, Jatinangor Subdistrict, this study has more than one hundred children from education level up to elementary school.
(Tito Satrya Kamil)