“Senandika” 17th Intern Concert of Unpad Choir

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The Padjadjaran University Choir succeeded in bringing back the Intern Concert which in the last 2 years could only be held daring but is now completely luring. The 17th Intern Concert entitled “Senandika” is a concert that contains 2 younger members of Unpad Choir, namely the 2020 and 2021 batches, with the 2021 batch being the committee. The purpose of holding this concert is to hone the young generation of Unpad Choir in preparing a concert program that will indeed be bigger in the future.

Senandika’s Intern Concert will be held luring on 09 October 2022 at 19.00 which is located at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad Dipatiukur campus or Iwa Koesoemasoemantri campus. As usual, there were several sessions performed with the young conductors of Unpad Choir, which were different for each session, as follow Classic Session by Raihan Tsany Kurnia; International Session by Muhammad Al Riyadh; Broadway Session by Adam Prana Surya; Pop Session by Ivanna Shelma Taofani; Indonesian Folk Song Session by Jasmine Azzahra Triatmojo.

“The training process itself is carried out for approximately 5 months with all the training development processes. During the training process, every singer goes through a lot of learning. Struggling during the transition period is one of the challenges in the training process so that we get the maximum performance later. During the training, too, we always build a sense of belonging between one team and build a sense of trust between voices until the day of the concert can give the best results”, said Anugrah Sijabat or known as Nugi as the person responsible of the 17th Intern Concert of Unpad Choir “Senandika”.

Singers work very hard to be able to perform at their best during concerts. Surely many things have been sacrificed in his journey such as time, energy, and even material. “For myself, the difficulties I experienced in the process of becoming a singer at the Senandika Intern Concert arose from various things, ranging from the difficulty of dividing time with lectures, dividing priorities with other activities, to transportation that had to go back and forth from Jatinangor to Bandung. All these difficulties felt easy to pass because of the sense of togetherness that I felt with my 2020 friends as well as 2021 friends. By meeting almost every day, feeling the togetherness that was formed little by little, I think I can ease all the difficulties I feel. If asked why keep the spirit of undergoing the Senandika Intern Concert until it runs successfully, the answer must be the togetherness that continues to be established and continues to form to this day. Thank you to all my friends and 2021 as the committee who have made this Senandika Intern Concert happen. Thank you 2020 friends who continue to support each other. encourage the success of this concert,” said Ijat Sabili Tenr 2 2020 as one of the singers.

In the process, 2 young batches of Unpad Choir had to adapt to the easing pandemic situation. Reflecting on the previous luring internal concerts, namely the 14th Intern Concert “Euphonius Choral” class 2017 and 2018, the “Senandika” Intern Concert succeeded in bringing back the longing of the choir fans and successfully entertained the audience that night. It can be seen from the fully occupied Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata building and the applause and cheers of the audience during the concert.

“The most memorable thing during Senandika’s concert journey is how we go through the struggle and enjoy all the processes in it, because Senandika itself is the first luring Intern Concert after 2 years of vacuum, and this itself is a challenge for all parties to restore the essence of activities in Unpad Choir such as always, in order to maintain the existence of Unpad Choir both internally and externally” Nugi added.

Raihan Tsany Kurnia as one of the conductors of the 17th Intern Concert “Senandika” also gave his impression of this concert, “This year’s Intern Concert gave me a different impression, because this is my first time being a direct conductor at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata because in the previous year I was an daring conductor. This year’s Intern Concert was also a good impression because after two years the Intern Concert was held daring, we can again perform luring at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata, giving a different impression and experience to the two youngest generations of the Unpad Choir”. Raihan also added “Hopefully this Intern Concert will be a memorable experience for singers & be an encouragement for friends to take part in the next Unpad Choir activity. Thank you to the audience for attending, and look forward to the next Unpad Choir Concert!”


Chika Trinita