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[unpadchoir.com Bandung, 21/7/2023] The PSM Unpad birthday will be held again offline on June 24-25 2023 at 14.00 WIB at Villa Kencana Istana Bunga Lembang. The celebration of the 45th anniversary of PSM Unpad entitled “Explore” is an activity that members of the PSM Unpad both active students and alumni have been waiting for. This is the right time to remember the beautiful moments and strengthen the brotherhood among Unpad Choir members. This event was attended by many generations of PSM Unpad.
The first day, June 24 2023, the event began with playing games racing in melodies. The participants were divided into 4 groups based on the sound of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. This game requires skills in listening to songs that are played randomly, then participants have to guess the title and also connect the lyrics of the song. All participants cheered happily to support and give encouragement to their respective voice groups. The game of galloping in melodies was won by the Alto sound group. The next series is guessing the style, each group enthusiastically imitates the style they have to guess. The guessing game was won by the Tenors.
The event continued with the main night. Each sound group has prepared a performance video featuring a parody of a film scene. Soprano, Alto, tenor, and Bass sound groups make videos unique and creative. All participants enjoyed the video and the whole room was filled with laughter. In this presentation video, the Tenor group won. The next series is the preparation of PSM Unpad members for PSM Unpad Got Talent. All vocal groups display their talents besides singing. Despite having little time to prepare, each voice group managed to showcase their talents and was able to entertain the audience. PSM Unpad Got Talent was again won by the Tenor group.
The next series, PSM Unpad members both active students and alumni, gathered together in the courtyard of the villa around the already lit bonfire. Several representatives said a word or two in front of everyone. This activity was intended as a reflection given the long journey of Unpad Choir. They expressed their hope for the PSM Unpad in the midst of the fire, this illustrates the great solidarity and unity of the active members and alumni of the Unpad Choir. Then this series was closed by singing the song “Syukur”.
The second day’s activities began with morning exercises together. All members participate in physical activities in the morning while keeping their bodies warm even though the air is cold. Excited in the morning, they were ready to take part in a series of events on the last day of PSM Unpad’s 45th Anniversary.
After the morning exercises and breakfast, the active members and alumni of PSM Unpad gathered in the courtyard of the villa to carry out mini-stove activities (sports competitions). The mini stove is a game that is contested between 4 groups according to their respective sound groups, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. The mini-stove activities included a sack race which was won by the Bass and Soprano groups, tug-of-war won by the Tenor and Soprano groups, futsal which was won by the Tenor and Soprano groups, as well as the end of the series of mini-stove activities, namely the water war which was won by Tenor and Alto sound groups.
After doing the mini stove, the active members and alumni of PSM Unpad gathered again in the living room where the overall winner would be announced. The overall champion this time is the Tenor voice. After the announcement of the overall winner, the event continued with the cutting and giving of tumpeng by the chief executive for the 45th Anniversary of PSM Unpad symbolically to signify the end of the event.
Anugerah Angrainy or who is familiarly called Ara as the chief executive of Unpad PSM 45th Anniversary celebration in his remarks said “…..not only in this program we will meet, maybe in the next PSM programs either in concerts or on birthday PSM Unpad next year. Hopefully we can gather like this again.” Ara said.
Arvin Zeinullah as the main coach of PSM Unpad also added “Family and love for the group are really needed, and that will be a new energy for us to do activities at PSM in the future. So I hope this activity will continue. This is what is expected once in a repeat years is the essence of getting it and we can know that we love Unpad Choir.” In addition, there were also remarks from PSM Unpad coaches and alumni who advised them to continue to maintain the internal and external existence of PSM Unpad into the future.
At the end of the event, the 45th Anniversary celebration of PSM Unpad ended with a group photo as a lasting documentation of precious moments of all PSM Unpad elements from active members to alumni. There are new stories to be told and together we have created great memories. After the end of the Unpad Choir’s 45th Anniversary celebration, friendly relations between Unpad Choir elements continued to be maintained. The sense of belonging to the Unpad choir is always present within each member. And the journey of PSM Unpad will continue into the future.
Anggi Rahma Wahyuni