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Unpad Choir has successfully held a vocal recital on Tuesday (22/3) night. The vocal recital that was titled Offres de Moi was held in Bale Rumawat Padjadjaran University, Iwa Koesoemasoemantri. 26 solo singers participated this year, which consists of Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass, the vocal recital was divided into two sessions.
Other than solo performances, there were some ensemble performances with 4-5 singers and a duet performance by Unpad Choir’s coaches, Raden Andhika Abdul Razzaaq and Gita Gempita with “Somewhere” that was popularized by Barbra Streisand. One of the most interesting part in this year vocal recital was a special duet performance by the Main Conductor of Unpad Choir, Arvin Zeinullah with one of his student, Arief Nurrohman with When lo by break of morning by Thomas Morley (1557-1602).
According to the vocal recital’s Project Officer, Maudi Priyandari, the theme of Offers de Moi was “dedication”. This was shown by the concert’s title which is Offers de Moi which means “A Song For You”. The singers who have practiced all this time dedicated their hard work in this vocal recital so they can show their best vocal ability after going through some vocal learning process with the technical team of Unpad Choir.
The concert was closed with a performance by all of the recital vocal singers with Esteli Notazas. Offers de Moi were really appreciated by the spectators and that was shown by the amount and applauses from the spectators. “The vocal recital was really fun, all of the singers were really pretty and handsome, this show was really worth to watch” Danindra, one of the spectators of the concert commented.
(Maharani Praphesti)
Translator: Maharani Praphesti