Intern Concert 2021 “Orpheus: An Alluring Beautiful Voice”

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Aos ogé dina Basa Sunda

Padjadjaran University Student Choir (Unpad Choir) is one of the Student Activity Units (UKM) which has made many achievements at the national and international levels. With the great dedication of all members of the Unpad Choir, they baby steps their way to become recognized by many people as a form of consistency in playing an active role in the world of performing arts, especially the choir.

In an effort to maintain its consistency and existence, Unpad Choir creates some programs, one of them being an “internal concert”. The internal concert is an activity that is held once a year which aims to polish and develop singing quality, especially for the freshmen and the sophomore of Unpad Choir.

This year, Unpad Choir once again presented an internal concert with the title “Orpheus” which means a beautiful voice that allures many people. This year’s internal concert is quite different from the previous ones, where the concert was held in a hybrid manner. Last Sunday (28/11/21), the concert performance was broadcast online via the private Youtube channel of Unpad Choir. There were 62 singers from the 2019 and 2020 classes who took part in this concert.

The Orpheus internal concert was divided into five sessions, namely Indonesian Folk Song, Classical, Broadway, Popular Song, and International Song. The concept of the performance was put together as engaging as possible to build a concert atmosphere with a classic theme.  This opportunity is a valuable learning experience for the freshmen because they have to be the committee that organizes and arranges this year’s internal concert as well as being the singers for the first time.

According to Azka, Bass 1 2020, this Orpheus concert was a new thing for him. Although there were many challenges during the practicing process and coordination with the committee, this did not reduce enthusiasm and instead became a learning process, both as a team and individually to be able to adjust to the situation.

The performance of a hybrid concert certainly has a different sensation compared to an offline performance. However, the essence of holding an internal concert itself did not diminish. “From the theme and key symbols taken, they are very suitable and describe the two youngest generations who will open the door and begin to move on to process and progress at Unpad Choir. Can’t wait for the next concert!” Said Yayu, Alto 1 2020.