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As the year passed, Unpad Choir keeps their activities and program going. That also applied for the youngest members of Unpad Choir, who were bearing the responsibility of holding the 12th Intern Concert which was to be held on the 27th of April. Ibnu Ashari Fuad, from the Faculty of Communication, was trusted to be the Project Officer of this concert.
It had been four weeks since the first practice for the concert was held, which was on the 16th of January. From increasing their vocal techniques through daily practices from Monday to Thursday to doing organizational activities, everything’s done with passion to make this concert successful.
One of the achievements that the committee had done was to come up with the title of the concert which was “Bara Renjana: Harsa, Hasrat, dan Harapan dalam Harmoni”, which could be translated as “Flaming Heart: Happiness, Desire, and Hope in Harmony”. The title was said to represent the flaming spirit of the youngest members for the concert.
The Spirit to Sing, The Spirit to Practice
An Intern Concert has its own level of difficulty and challenges. Consisting of four sessions led by four different conductors, about 20 songs will be sung during the concert. That explains the need of practice because they didn’t have much time to prepare.
Syafri Syamli Azis, one of the members of this concert, stated that he still needed to adapt to the practicing system, in terms of time management and technique, which was very different compared to the regular practices which are held every Tuesday and Thursday.
“I am one of those people who returned here a bit late which caused me to miss out a lot. So, I’ve asked for help from friends and seniors to help me with the technique and committee,” said this Padangnese student.
He admitted that it wasn’t easy to come back and leave his parents, but being the head of the logistics committee obligated him to return soon. Even so, with the professional requirement, he always had to be ready for anything to help the concert.
Andhika Abdul Razzaaq, one of the conductors, who’s in charge of the Popular Session said that the practice started from January to fulfill the amount needed for preparation which was about 3 months.
“The preparation for an Annual Concert is usually 6 months, and even a year for a Competition, so it has to be started from now,” he said.
For him, it’d be the fourth year to conduct in an intern concert. According to him, each concert team, whether it’s Intern or Annual Concert, has their own characteristics. There are some who’re passionate from the beginning, but don’t make it in the end, and there are some who manage to hold their spirit until the last minute.
“For this team, I hope they keep up their spirit until the end and everything goes well for the singing technique and the committee,” he said.
We hope that the two current youngest generations of Unpad Choir of the intern concert can live up to the name of the concert, always ignites and never fades.
(Y. I. Wicastya)
Translator : Gretta Ludwina