Harmony and Inspiration Behind the Welcoming Party of PSM Unpad Class of 2023

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On November 17 2023, the Padjadjaran University Student Choir (Unpad Choir) held a Welcoming Party event as the closing part of the Unpad Choir New Member Acceptance (RPAB) activities. RPAB aims to be an activity to introduce, form and develop the understanding of prospective Unpad Choir members regarding the values ​​and culture within it. The series of RPAB Unpad Choir activities includes several events, such as Student Festival, Open House, Ambitus, Regular Training, Workshops, and finally, the Welcoming Party. This Welcoming Party was designed with various useful activities as a warm welcome for prospective new members of Unpad Choir class of 2023.

Welcome Party has a very important essence. First, as a form of introduction and realization of the Unpad Choir culture and values ​​that have been taught during regular training and workshops, including discipline, ethics, concern for each other, and critical thinking patterns. Second, as a forum for knowledge about Unpad Choir, it involves information about the management and programs at Unpad Choir. Third, as a means of expanding the knowledge of potential new members about the role of previous members, who have an important role for their successors.

The Welcome Party lasts for 3 days and 2 nights. The first day focused on introducing all the elements in Unpad Choir. The second day held games and activities that provided an understanding of Unpad Choir, such as information about concerts and Unpad Choir programs. The third day closed with a Choir Festival which prospective new members had been preparing for since regular practice by learning songs from My First Song Book.

The series of Welcoming Party activities includes an alumni sharing agenda, as a forum for friendship and an opportunity for new members to broaden their knowledge about Unpad Choir. Apart from that, there are School of Concert Management (SOCM) activities which aim to provide insight into the intern concerts that will be held by the class of 2023. The highlight of the event is the inauguration of prospective new members of the Unpad Choir class of 2023, which is marked by put on a slayer while singing syukur song.

One of the Welcoming Party participants, Kathrin Numberi, shared her experience, “I got a lot of knowledge, benefits and motivation from this Welcoming Party activity. I can train my leadership spirit here because I was given the mandate as group leader. I also got motivation and valuable input from my uncle, which I think is very useful for my future development.”

Ryan Angelo, as the committee member for the welcoming party activity, gave his views on the welcoming party, “The Welcome Party for me personally is a crucial moment where I open up and realize the reason I am here and joining this organization. Through this event, I began to realize my goals when joining Unpad Choir, which at first was probably just joining in without strong motivation, and did not have a deep understanding of what I wanted to achieve and gain while at Unpad Choir.

The Welcoming Party succeeded in making me realize the essence of my existence at Unpad Choir, which is more than just involvement without a clear direction. I realized that desire and curiosity alone were not enough to keep me here. Through this experience, I felt how important it is to have clear goals and a deep understanding of the meaning of my participation in this organization. The Welcoming Party was not only a place for introductions, but also the starting point for my journey to have a deeper meaning in my membership at Unpad Choir.”

The performance of the tribute song in Jatinangor and “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by the alumni and the committee, accompanied by the cutting of tumpeng and eating together at the end of the event, made a deep impression on the new members of the class of 2023