Festival Indonésia Kirana 2022

Baca dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Aos dina Basa Sunda

[unpadchoir.com Bandung, 10/06/2022] – In preparation for the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing (Final) competition in Tours, France and The 11th “Antonio Vivaldi” International Choir Competition and Festival in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Padjadjaran University Choir held a pre-competition concert entitled ‘Pagelaran Indonesia Kirana 2022’ which was held in two places. On May 31, 2022 at Gedung Kesenian, Jakarta  and June 3, 2022 at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Bandung.

The concert on June 3, 2022 in the city of Jakarta is divided into 2 concert performances, namely Performance 1 (14.00 GMT+7) and Performance 2 (18.00 GMT+7). The enthusiasm of the audience was shown by the sold-out tickets for Jakarta performance 1. Tickets for the concert in the second city, Bandung, were also sold out in the VIP category.

The first session of the concert presented the songs that will be performed during the competition, opening with the song Die mit Tränen säen werden mit Freuden ernten and followed by the following songs, namely Aus dem Danklied zu Gott, Szabad-é?, Benedetto sia’l giorno, Readymade Alice, and closed with Sicut Cervus.

The second session of the concert opened with the song Nicolette by Composer Maurice Ravel, then followed by other songs such as La Nuit, Besame Mucho, Benggong, and Gayatri. In the performances of these two concerts, there is one song that is very memorable because it has a deep meaning and interpretation, namely Besame Mucho song. The song is one of the most popular Mexican songs in the world, telling the story of a girl who longs for some form of love from a man.

The closing of the concert ended with the release of the Indonesia Kirana 2022 Team by the Director of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations of Padjadjaran University, Dr. eng. Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, S.T., M.T., as well as Unpad Choir Trustees, Antik Bintari, S.IP., M.T. The release was carried out while singing the song Bagimu Negeri.

“The Indonesia Kirana 2022 pre-competition concert this time was a new experience for me as the Chief Executive and of course also for the entire committee. We can learn many things from this performance. From dividing time, analyzing problems, finding effective solutions for every problem, and there are many other lessons that we can learn from,” said Anand Ariefianto, the Chief Executive of the Indonesia Kirana 2022 Performance.

Anand also added that this concert was also a new beginning for Unpad Choir to return to carrying out their activities offline. He hopes that this concert can cure the longing of choir lovers for the notes and rhythms of Unpad Choir. “I also hope that this concert can be a testing ground for the Indonesian Kirana 2022 team which will compete in the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing in Tours, France and The 11th Choir Competition “Antonio Vivaldi” in Gabrovo, Bulgaria.” the lid.


Putri Huliyah Rahmah