Establishing cohesiveness through the bonding of unpad choir’s board

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In an organization, cooperation and internal organizational cohesion are the most important points and should be considered, because within an organization every element is required to work together to achieve the ideals of the organization. Those important points are the one that wanted to be achieved by 2017 Unpad Choir’s board, Kabinet Beraksi. 

On last Saturday morning (5/3), all members of the 2017 Unpad Choir’s board gathered in the Secretariat of Unpad Choir in Jatinangor to do a Board Bonding. This bonding is the first agenda of Kabinet Beraksi, with the aim to draw closer each elements of the board and to equate the vision and mission of Kabinet Beraksi. 

This Board Bonding is also a new work program launched by Kabinet Beraksi. Vanda Sekar Yanti as the President of Unpad Choir 2017 mirrored from the committee that had done before where there was no Board Bonding so Vanda found some difficulties that could have been avoided before.

“The goal of this Board Bonding is to equate the vision together so that for a year later our thoughts, intentions, and desires become one. Bonding is the most appropriate program in addition to equating the mind but also to familiarize fellow members, especially with their division colleagues so that one year ahead we will all be easier to work together because we already know each other and over time we will get to know,” explained Vanda.

The Board Bonding that morning began with the introduction of President, Vice President, and Division Managers. Not only the introduction, Vanda also explained the vision and mission to be achieved by Kabinet Beraksi this year.

“I want all members to know and understand the direction of this period board’s goal as for the performance of each element of this board in accordance with what is aspired,” she added.

After the exposure of vision and mission of Kabinet Beraksi, each division gathered with its manager to conduct Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the form of introducing job description of each division. In this FGD, every manager explained to their members what they will be going through during a period of board. In this FGD also each division was expected to know personally their colleagues in their division more deeply.

After that the event continued with Games between divisions and closed with the appearance of each divisions’ cheers. Each division also used their own dresscode to showcase the cohesiveness of each division, such as Media Promotion and Creative Branding division with plaid dress code, Project Development with white dresscode, and so on. Grace, one of the new members of Unpad Choir class of 2016 admitted that she was happy to join this Board Bonding because she could saw how the behavior of akang and teteh of Unpad Choir outside the rehearsal schedule. According to her as the member of the Finance Division, this Board Bonding not only makes one division more compact but also with other divisions.

“At first, I was still less familiar with other division members, even in the Finance division itself where I became one of its members. However, after bonding we became more often chatted, having some fun together and indeed became happier together. We will also work together for a period of board, with this bonding we became more familiar with the personality and character of each other so we can know better how to deal with this akang or to this teteh “she added.

In line with Grace, Daffa, one of the staff of the General Affair division admitted very happy to join this initial Board Bonding. “Before this bonding we were all still less close to akang and teteh because we rarely met each other before and still not too acquainted, so there was still a sense of shyness. But after this bonding, we batch 2016 became more acquainted and closer to akang and teteh. In addition to familiarizing, we also became aware of which direction this board will bring us because Teh Vanda at the beginning of the event explained the vision and mission of this board,” said this Student of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

 (Maharani Praphesti)  

Translator : Ananda Refina