An Effective Online Comparative Study with Paramabira

Baca dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Aos ogé dina Basa Sunda

On Thursday, July 16, 2020, Padjadjaran University Student Choir (PSM Unpad) conducted an online comparative study with Bina Nusantara Student Choir (Paramabira). The comparative study activity was carried out through the Google Meets platform which was attended by approximately 60 people from the organization committee of Unpad Choir and Paramabira.

This Comparative Study with Paramabira is the second online comparative study conducted by Unpad Choir. The activity began with a speech from Raihan Kurnia and Vincent Hartanto as the chairperson of Unpad Choir and Paramabira, which was then followed by material presentation by the management of Unpad Choir, the Contributive Cabinet. Each manager from each division explained briefly about his job description in management. After the presentation of the material by Unpad Choir, a question and answer session was opened for several questioners from Paramabira. Then, the activity continued with the games session which consisted of two kinds of games. After the games session was finished, it was Paramabira’s turn to present the material on their management, which was then ended with a question and answer session proposed by several Unpad PSM members.

According to the chairperson, Paramabira conducted a comparative study with Unpad Choir in order to learn more from Unpad Choir to continue working and achieving. Not to mention, this comparative study is one event to establish good relations and maintain communication among fellow Indonesian PSMs.

In this Comparative Study, Unpad Choir and Paramabira exchanged information and experiences on various matters in the organization, especially the choir, such as how to carry out activities during the pandemic and how to establish good relations with alumni. In addition, Unpad Choir and Paramabira also shared about the divisions in each management.

Although conducted online, this comparative study is considered effective. “In my opinion, the implementation carried out online with PSM Unpad has been effective. Even though we cannot be onsite, we can still share and share experiences because even though online, it turns out that participants also remain active.” Said Vincent Hartanto as Chairman of Paramabira. “My hope from this comparative study is to be able to add insight into the system of division of tasks per division so that the work program can run optimally. From the exposure of the material by our Unpad Choir friends, we came to understand more ways to improve the quality of work per division, one of which was the need for screening for the selection of administrators or program leaders. ” He continued.

Translator: Sarah F.