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[BANDUNG,] Unpad choir is holding its annual concert again after not holding an annual concert for 3 years due to the Covid-19 pandemic and obstacles. The 24th annual Unpad choir concert is entitled “Zeitreise” A Timeless Choral Odyssey: Voices Through Ages. Zeitreise comes from German which means time travel which describes the programs that will be presented by Unpad choir which are various based on music eras throughout the world. Through the title Zeitreise invites the audience to travel through time with various performances from both the Unpad choir team.
“In concept, we want the name not to be lost and to continue the struggle from the previous failed concert so that people who hear the name Zeitreise again will grow curious about why the name is still used and used as a concept this year so that the audience will be enthusiastic to know.” Said Paskalis Christian Vier as chairman of the 24th annual Unpad choir concert.
The 24th annual Unpad choir concert was held in two cities, namely Bandung and Jakarta. The songs performed at the Zeitreise concert were songs from the romantic and contemporary era.
The preparations made by Unpad choir to hold concerts in these two cities was a long and challenging process in which Unpad choir also carried out other programs at the same time, such as the New Member Reception Series (RPAB) to provide the best performance and a special impression for the audience.” “Preparations for the 24th annual concert have started since mid-August. As an active student who is also currently active in other activities, I have had my own challenges in dividing priorities and dividing focus between preparations for the annual concert and also at that time the RPAB was in progress, which started before the regular practice started until the WP was finished, the preparations for the annual concert were still ongoing. So how do we, the committee and students, actively try to divide the focus and also I as a student myself must continue to carry out my duties as a student to”. Said Ryan, one of the members of the Zeitreise concert team.
The 24th annual concert of Unpad choir in the city of Bandung was held at GSG Widyatama on December 9 2023 which succeeded in attracting many spectators, especially those who liked the choir’s performance, from other choir friends, the family and relatives of the singers, especially the members of Unpad choir, both active students and also new members of Unpad choir who were also present and also alumni.
The Zeitreise concert in Bandung was also a special concert because there was a collaboration with PSM Utama from Widyatama University. At this Zeitreise concert PSM Utama performed several songs, namely Now Is The Month of Maying – Thomas Marley, Frühlingslied – Felix Mendelssohn Bártholdy and Kad Si Bila Mala Mare – Franz Möckl. PSM Utama was the first performer to welcome and attract the attention of the audience and also opened the zeitreise concert.
In the city of Jakarta, the Zeitreise concert was held at the Usmar Ismail building on December 16 2023, which was also attended by audiences from various groups including families, relatives of the singers and also alumni who were very enthusiastic about watching the performance of the 24th annual concert team. The Zeitreise concert which was held in Jakarta was different from the concert in Bandung because the Zeitreise concert team was more independent because there was no longer any collaboration with other choir teams and there was also more preparation because the concert was outside the city.
At this Zeitreise concert, the first song performed by Unpad choir was the song Dnes Do Skoku A Do Pisnicky which was sung beautifully and full of emotion, this song was also the opening song in the first session of the Zeitreise concert which performed 8 songs, the first session ended with the song Chorus Scene of the Servants which was greeted with loud applause from the audience.
After closing with enthusiastic applause from the audience in the first session, the second session of the Zeitreise concert opened with the rendition of the song Rhytmus which again attracted the attention and enthusiasm of the audience. In the second session of the Zeitreise concert, Zeitreise also performed several songs that were familiar to even ordinary people, such as Spongebob Squarepants Theme Song and Reaching the Stars which shows the variety of songs performed at the Zeitreise concert and the second session closed with the song Das Sound Machine Finale then the Zeitreise concert officially ended with the rendition of the song The Greatest Love of All which invited loud applause.
The enthusiasm of the audience was also visible because many spectators were waiting for the Unpad choir annual concert to be held again after 3 years of waiting. Warmth and kinship were also felt from the presence of the singers’ families and alumni who were enthusiastic about attending the 24th annual Unpad choir Concert at the same time. “I saw at the Bandung concert that there was very high enthusiasm and enthusiasm from the audience, especially many of those watching were PSM friends and alumni who had been waiting for this annual concert for a long time from 3 years ago “And finally it can be done again while in Jakarta, of course with a large number of spectators and also as the closing of the 24th annual concert, it was very touching because of the large amount of support from the audience,” said Cantika, one of the Zeitreise concert singers.
This Zeitreise concert not only gave an impression to the audience but also to the singers who had gone through various processes and long training. “It’s very memorable, I’ve never imagined a concert in two cities and it’s really full of struggle because I have to balance academics and training, and the schedule during training is very busy, making me learn a lot at this concert and making this concert very memorable for me, I also hope that the entire Zeitreise concert team will make this concert a place of learning, a place for development and process. I also hope that we can do activities together again after this 24th annual concert for other Unpad PSM activities and get to know each other better and can work together.” said Anugerah Angrainy one of the Zeitreise concert singers.
The enthusiastic and enthusiastic applause from the audience showed that the 24th annual Unpad choir concert team entitled “Zeitreise” succeeded in taking the audience on a journey through time through various songs performed by Unpad choir.
(Rosa Thalita Mangunsong)