Migrate to Thrive in Vocal Recital Concert 2023: Wandervogel

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Aos ogé dina Basa Sunda

[unpadchoir.com Bandung, 9/4/2023] After two years of holding online and hybrid concerts, on Friday, 31 March 2023 the Padjadjaran University Student Choir opened a new chapter by holding a Vocal Recital Concert in the Multipurpose Room Building 2, Unpad Dipati Ukur Campus by offline.

Vocal Recital is an event for Unpad Choir members to develop their voice quality in singing. Each Vocal Recital participant prepares himself from various aspects, starting from vocals, song performance, ability to appear on stage, and expression as an individual or group performer. Unique costumes have also been prepared by the singers to support their performance. Various songs in different languages have been performed beautifully by the singers.

The 2023 Vocal Recital presents young singers to senior singers starting from the 2022 class to the 2015 class. Similar to the previous Vocal Recital concerts, this time the “Wandervogel” concert was divided into two sessions which divided 23 individual singers and four ensemble groups. The four pianists accompanying the singers are Nicholas Rio, Siti Rahmah Sekargumilan, Alex Hartono Irawan, and Adrian Ezekiel Panjaitan.

The title that was performed at the Vocal Recital this time was “Wandervogel” which comes from German which means “Migratory Bird”. Migration symbolizes singers in their journey as individuals in PSM who are constantly looking for new places and opportunities to develop, one of which is through Vocal Recitals. One of the singers, Ida Bagus Putu Rama Dirgantara, admitted that his skills had improved during the Vocal Recital trip. “For the first vocal recital concert which was completely carried out offline, it has gone quite smoothly. With all the shortcomings, both the committee and singers can present a maximum performance. To be sure, I’m quite nervous and also excited because this is the first time for me to perform alone on stage. But this is also a stepping stone to hone skills and confidence. The message is that hopefully the next recital will run even better and we can participate again, “said Putu.

Arvin Zainullah, main coach of PSM Unpad who is familiar with Kang Arvin expressed his gratitude because the Vocal Recital Concert could be held “in full” offline. “This is what we have to continue in the next recitals. I feel that the progress of the recital singer participants can be seen in their ability and quality for the better. By daring to perform solo, the majority of the 2020, 2021, 2022 youth generation have their own characteristics, abilities, and strengths which are increasingly honed because of diligent practice.” In his interview, Kang Arvin also added the message “I hope Recital can be a good tool to develop individual vocal abilities and make all members who have the opportunity to participate love themselves, their vocal abilities, and of course love the choir even more”.

Adam Prana Surya, as the coordinator of the vocal tutoring teacher, was very happy. “From the start, when a teacher is entrusted with guiding students, it’s like a vocal teacher is a human being who best knows the good and bad sides of a student (singer). Out of my five students who are taking Vocal Recital today, I know them at the beginning when taking vocal lessons, some have been a year, a few months old, some are really new class of 2022, all are the same and don’t know what to direct, until it’s finally they can hone themselves and prepare mentally to be able to appear in a vocal recital” “The essence of a vocal recital is to train mentally and confidently. In the future, whether singing as a choir member or singing solo, the mentality will be more pronounced, the self-confidence will increase. The hope is that in the future it can continue and regenerate the previous PSM Unpad which is better in the future.” Said Kang Adam.

The songs sung by the singers were greeted with thunderous applause by the audience. The Vocal Recital Concert “Wandervogel” ended with a beautiful encore song “As Long As I Have Music” which means that even though the singers are hit by all the twists and turns of life, music will always be a source of strength to keep fighting.

Cantika Veronika Sinaga