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[5/09/20 unpadchoir.com] On Saturday (5/09), Universitas Padjadjaran Student Choir (Unpad Choir) held one of its long-prepared online agendas, namely the 2020 Familiarity Night which was also held to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the Unpad Choir.
Unpad Choir’s birthday falls on May 21, 1978, and every year it is celebrated with a birthday event which is usually held in villas with a series of agendas for two days and one night. The series of activities that include games such as playing soccer competitions, cracker eating competitions, and others this year must be replaced with online games that require players to keep their distance and play from their homes.
The Night of Familiarity which started at 19.30 using the Zoom platform was attended by more than 120 people including the alumni of Unpad Choir and active members of Unpad Choir. The event was opened with remarks from the head of the 2020 Familiarity Night, Aulia Azizah Putri, from the class of 2018 and continued with remarks from the representatives of Unpad Choir alumni, namely Drg. Hj. Sri Rahayu SK Diah, class of 1978.
“It feels great to be able to join again to have a good relationship with all Unpad Choir members, from the most senior to the youngest. It makes me remember how we used to be together, the atmosphere can always be warm and there are lots of memories at Unpad Choir, even during this online event the atmosphere can stay warm.” said one of the 1999 alumni, Tika Novika.
The agenda after the speech was the screening of video presentations made long before the Familiarity Night was held. The video offerings represent their respective voices, namely soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. With the theme of the Night of Familiarity this time, namely In Harmony, We Reminisce, each representative of the video offerings presented a video with the theme of longing. Each video invites smiles and laughter from the audience.
“For me, the video presentation was the most interesting, because each voice group produced creative, unique, and funny videos. Also, these videos show the differences between Unpad Choir’s activities before the pandemic and now; it makes you miss being there,” said Franty, class of 2019 who was also one of the participants of the 2020 Familiarity Night.
The announcement of the challenge winner was then displayed after the video presentation. The slide on Zoom shows the winners of the two challenges who are also part of the Familiarity Night series. Both challenges have been distributed as pre-Familiarity Night events which require participants to make a short video based on the theme proposed for each challenge. Apart from the two winners in each challenge, honorary mentions were also broadcasted, showing videos made by other participants who did not win but were still appreciated by reruns.
“Many appreciations were given, from pre-event activities, challenges, to the day of the event. I am grateful to be able to carry out this event and did not expect that the response from Akang, Teteh, and fellow participants from the first batch to the youngest active members was positive and happy to be able to attend this event,” said Aulia, chief executive of the 2020 Familiarity Night.
After the presentation of the videos and the winner of the challenges, games were held which also put a lot of smiles on people’s faces and laughter from the participants. Various games were presented with alumni participants and active members as the main players. This game session was also the last agenda of the series of Familiarity Night event.
Unpad hymn was sung at the end of the event as a reminder of the tradition of Unpad Choir as well as symbolically closing the series of events officially. “After singing the Unpad Hymn at the end of the event, I am happy that the main objective of this event, which is to bring together Unpad Choir alumni and active members of the Unpad Choir, can be achieved; and a new history where this online event still able to invite lots of laughter can be achieved,” said Aulia.
“Stay enthusiastic in situations like this, keep in touch and be solid in having a sense of belonging in Unpad Choir.” closed Tika, which is also a message to all active members of the current Unpad Choir.
Translator: Clara Vennia