Graduation Escort Songs in Graduation Ceremony 2016

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Graduation is one of the most awaited moments for students, all of their hard work for the past few years finally paid off after they got their degree. On 2nd-4th August 2016, Universitas Padjadjaran held the 4th Wave of Graduation Ceremony Academic Year 2015/2016. This wave was divided into 6 sessions and was attended by the students from Doctor, Magister, and Bachelor program from the 16 faculties in Universitas Padjadjaran. The graduation ceremony that was held in Graha Sanusi Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung was attended by 2501 students.

A graduation ceremony can’t be separated from the components inside, starting from Korps Protokoler Mahasiswa (KPM), Resimen Mahasiswa (Menwa), and PSM Unpad (Unpad Choir). Graduation is a result of hard work, not only the students’ hard works but also the components mentioned before. Every element in a graduation ceremony tried to give their best work to appreciate the students’ hard works.

Unpad Choir always included in every graduation ceremony each year, even though they were already accustomed by it, practice and a proper preparation is always upheld so they can bring their best in front of every element of Universitas Padjadjaran who were present in the graduation ceremony. This can be seen from the graduation preparation practices that were already held days before the ceremony.

“By participating in this ceremony, I learnt that hard work is really important. Practice can’t be ignored even for a graduation ceremony though I have been practicing for it since the first time I joined this organization. The practice was tiring, but it was equal to what I gained. Unpad Choir can keep their professionalism because of their best performances every graduation ceremony” Ratu Lala Affandi, one of the singers explained.

The singers gathered in Universitas Padjadaran from 6 A.M., and then they started doing vocal warm up for about 45 minutes. In the 4th Wave of Graduation Ceremony Academic Year 2015/2016, Unpad Choir performed Hymne Unpad, Indonesia Raya, Karatagan Padjadjaran, Persembahan Ayah Ibu, Padamu Negeri, Almamater, Masa Kecilku, Bunda, Getuk, and many more.

“Alhamdulillah, the graduation ceremonies were going really well. I hope in our future performances in the graduation ceremony, we can keep on showing our best.” Medina one of the representatives stated.


(Maharani Citra Praphesti)

Translated by Maharani Citra Praphesti